It's pretty typical of me to be reading VM fic in the middle of the night. I won't deny it. It's like the only fandom that I actively search for fic. Anyways, I'm in the middle of reading this great series (which was recommended to me by someone at FF) and I can't stop gushing about it. Usually I don't recommend fic cuz you can pretty much find it at
veronicamarsfic or
vm_fic but since this is an outside link, I thought I should give a heads up about it cuz it's such a great read.
SKK's Extended Episode Scripts
here (at the top of the page) are amazing. It starts post 1.20 MAD and intersplices 1.21 between each episode and kinda goes AU from there. If you have read
theohara's season 2, it's the same vein but completely great on its own. Not only is Logan/Veronica compelling but Weevil/Veronica is awesome too as well as how the war between the 09ers and PCH gang is kept up in this one. I'm reading the last part of it and I'm wondering if there will be more cuz gah! It's so good!
Love, Cindy