Sep 22, 2006 16:24
Well at least I'm not posting about Mojitos for once.
Oh! And it seems my whole lacking of food (yet enough to not actually starve) has me losing a few pounds. Nice. Probably because I haven't had cheese in a while as I love to put it on everything! Do miss it though. But nice side benefit.
So if this day can just end I'll be doing the long drive up to Mass. And oddly enough not to LARP. We'll just save that for next weekend okay?
Managed to set up a massage with Doyle tonight. Oh joy of joys!!! With any luck it will timed well enough that I'll get the massage and then toddle off to bed. Not that I won't probably be drooling and sleeping during it. I have yet to snore during one I've been told, so that's good. Actually I'll probably be saying "OW!" a lot more than usual. But all will be fixed. I know he says he can't work miracles, but I believe dammit!! I believe!!!!
Then I'm sure at some point the next day there will be Cinnabons (or there will be hell to pay) and running after 4 children as Buffy and I are out numbered during a play date. Talk about herding cats!
But fun will be had.
And extra love goes out to Anya. Remember: naked, covered in blue paint, and singing showtunes. Smile!!!:)
Alright peeps I'm out of here!