Random bits:
The other day Roommate was sick. She went home early to take a nap. She mentioned Loki was on her bed and she booted him off (only because he was clearly hogging the pillow). I mentioned that my furry boys are very sweet when someone is sick - they'll just hang out near them and make sure you are okay but they shouldn't harass her. She texted me an hour later with this "I'm surrounded by cats! Even Xander-kitty!!":
Loki flopped on her right, Martin on her left, and Xander-kitty by her feet (way down at the bottom left of the bed). Basically her and 3 cats in a twin bed. Comfy!
Much snow! So I didn't go to work yesterday - my choice, as I called in "This job ain't important enough for me to risk my life driving in only to be there for a few hours before going home" My Boss agreed:
Don't mock my Red Kiddie shovel. I had it since I was a kid and it gets the job done and is easy storage for apartment living (Yes, if I had garage I"d so get a grown up shovel - but for now I borrow one from the neighbors if necessary)
I took Loki outside in the snow because he's always trying to escape and I wanted to see what he'd do in the snow. Roommate brought Xander-kitty out - he took one look at the wet and cold and sniffed a bit and then walked back to the door waiting for her to open it. Surprising Loki was much more adventures and even went and stuck his head right in the snow:
I honestly thought he'd be the first one inside. But besides the to be expecting shaking off his paws everytime he touched wetness he had a blast. I had to yank him back before he burrowed into a snowbank never to be seen again until Spring thaw!
Since my D&D game was canceled last night (not really due to the weather by that point but due more to the lack of street parking there would be) I went with Roommate to her dentist appointment and TKD testing.
In the waiting room as I was reading out loud random tid-bits from Entertainment Weekly I came across a list of top 5 'so bad they are awesome' Syfy movies. This one broke my brain and as I stuttered out "what? What!? WHAT?!" I had no choice but to take a photo of and send it to Xander:
He called me back with this reasoning:
"She was a little drunk, she was there, the Boa was there, she's never done anything like that before, and now she's embarrassed"
For whatever reason I was told I could go with her when her name was called. As the dental hygienist and dentist put on masks and gloves to check her out I mentioned that I should have a mask too because it wasn't fair they were protected against Roommate and I wasn't. They were both amused and gave me a mask. Roommate may have said that she hated me at that point. I was also given a goodie bag as well - a new toothbrush, and floss, and toothpaste. What a nice dentist! :)
I mentioned that Roommate gave me a Bento Box for Xmas - here's what it looks like when she makes my lunches!:
It's got bunnies on it!!
Speaking of lunches and food and Roommate making me food - in a conversation with her and Wes last night about how there are some tasty (sneaky!) ways that parents trick kids into eating vegetables Roommate said "oh, yeah eventually I'll have to give you a list of vegetables I've tricked you into eating."
That's it! We are at odds former-friendmate!