
Apr 05, 2010 16:10

Ah yet another family fun food fest. With varying degrees of fun.

I spent any time I wasn't at the table bullshitting with my cousin River. She had to work on some French homework - a video project - so that had her on her laptop while I played with her itouch.  The word games can get so addicting.

I started to realize just how much I'm not lumped into the grown up category when she was showing me some stuff on her laptop and only lowering the volume or hiding stuff when the folks or aunt/uncles walked by - you know, cute boys that make her drool.

She also showed me videos she had made when her & her Mom went down to Texas for her surgery. The first one is her filming herself at 6am waiting for her Dad to get the heck up so he can drive them to the airport. She starts off by saying that she is heading down to Texas and that she plans on finding a cowboy to bring back.


I have never been more proud of her as I explained I made the same request of Wes, Cordy, & Knox when then went out there. And I will point out that we were both met with failure on that account. But I was amused that she was after the same goal.

There was also much footage of them driving around (once they were down there) and her acting like a total spaz in the car with her feet up on the dashboard clearly distracted by every shiny thing that they drove by.  I told her that I can't even 'yell' at her for her lack of safety and spazyness since I do the same thing. Now. Still. On that note I really do apologize to everyone for the scuff marks I put on your dashboard. I'll bring a washcloth next time you allow me in your car.

Her Mom says we are cousins for a reason. My Mom says we looked similar when we were young.

That would be before she grew to 5'10 and also didn't get my Dad's crooked nose. Guess her Mom's genes were stronger than my Mom's. Dammit.

river, knox, family, wesley, cordelia, holiday, aunt, mom

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