The Jelly's have it!

Apr 14, 2009 20:00

So the vote is in 6 to 4 for Jelly. I added in Wesley's (Fish) and Jayne's (Jelly) votes as well.

So how did this start?

Some stupid (what else would it be) random throw away argument between Xander & I. We were talking about jellyfish and I said "eh, they are more jelly that fish anyway." which set him off on a rant that turned into at least a 20 minute debate were I went on about my pro Jelly stance and he went on about how I was stupid and it was a fish.

The subject was then dropped.

Until this past Saturday.

A few of us in the car - Wesley, Willow, Jayne, Xander and I were having random discussions and listening to music. Some how, I don't remember how, Jellyfish get brought up. Xander then decides to poll the car, no one knows what is going on at first (even I), and with not allowing me to say anything he demands that everyone answer "Jellyfish, more Jelly or more fish?".

As you can imagine everyone was a bit clueless as to why this question, how to answer, or even that there had been a previous discussion on this (or what side either of us were on). But when only given the 2 options Willow immediately said "jelly", Wesley says "it's obviously a fish." Then the tie breaker.  The hardest one to get an answer out of was Jayne. He said the whole thing was ridiculous! Jelly or fish!? He ranted a bit, debated with himself and then finally said, 'Well I guess I'd go with Jelly."

Two things happened immediately. I started laughing and clapping. While Xander started yelling that everyone was stupid and that only Wes had his back.

Then we filled everyone in on the story.

I seriously did not think that Jayne would end up inadvertently backing me up which was made even funnier seeing that Saffron ended up voting 'fish".

And may I leave off with the fact that you can without much effort stuff a jellyfish into a jar! So shove that in your logic box! :P

Oh wait, one more last thing.... Seriously Anya, STOP POKING THAT DAMN JELLYFISH CARACAS!!!!"

more jelly than fish, willow, jayne, anya, saffron, babble, wesley, xander

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