Mar 11, 2009 14:08
I'm a wuss in the cold. This is not a surprise to anyone that knows me. I hate Winter. I also hate when the weather can't decide from day to day which season it's in. I end up wearing undershirts to work because I'm never warm enough.
I have several in a pile in my closet. And even though I checked, I swear I did, I ended up putting my undershirt on backwards. Didn't realize until I had put my third layer on and noticed that the undershirt felt funny against my neck. At that point I stared at myself in the mirror for 10 seconds and felt that it would be too much work to take 3 layers of shirts off in order to fix this. So I just sucked it up.
See, if it was warmer out I wouldn't have this problem on so many levels!!!
But on the yay side. The Girl Scout cookies I ordered months back from a guy at work are in. And I actually have cash to pay for them! Let me just rant a second... in the short time I was a Girl Scout I had to go door to door trying to sell those cookies!! Now a days no matter what kind of scout you are or school project you are involved in kids don't sell crap! Their parents bring the lists into work and either drop them in the lunchroom or start passing them around. Seriously, I could not even imagine my Mom doing that for me she'd be more likely to take me door to door but still make me do it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, the words more dangerous now...or more accurately we've figured out the word is more dangerous now - but still anyone see my point here? What actually involvement do the kids have in this 'selling' process anyway.
Ah well at least that means I can get me my Samoas!!!