Only 16 more days until sweet blissful unemployment - it's what's keeping me from strangling my ex-boss. Boy he just won't let go. You can't sell your company and then still try to be in charge. You're just a sales guy now buddy. Go sell stuff and leave the damn office
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Second, is there another LARP I don't know about in June? Because the only one I have is Radiant. I am corn-fused.....
3 larps plus 2 Lione Renn Faire weekends. Only overlap being one Renn Faire weekend & Radiant.
I'm not going to everything myself - but it's hell to schedule around.
Glad you clarified not going to everything. I didn't think you were doing Epitome or the Renfest. Not sure what there is to schedule around for those though. You don't go, so what else is there to consider?
My life is so not hectic about the weekends, I just have no grasp of it anymore.
I might go to the Renn Fest maybe with Anya & the kids - we talked breifly about it since it's pretty close.
I was trying to see when would be a good weekend for June b-days that would work for everyone.
Especially since I've got two vacation scheduled right in a row. One of them being relatively last minute and shoved into an already hectic June.
Are there birthdays in June? My mom's is the only one I know about. June 1st.
When you say vacations, do you mean trips? Because the way I see it, you have a big ol' summer-long vacation starting on June 1st! Where are ya going?? Huh? Huh? You never said anything about any of that to me. Wanna know, wanna know!!
I know a few people who have June Birthday's: Jayne, Riley, Kaylee, even my "little" brother. And Jayne (wisely so) is insistant on celebrating it!:)
Yes, I'm planning some actual trips. One was already planned pre-loss of job. That would be the Origins convention.
Another has sprung up and of course it *had* to fall into the month of June. We'll see how that one works out.
For whatever reason I thought Jayne's birthday was in July or August.
And oddly, for whatever reason, I thought Origins was in February. I had actually been thinking how odd it was that people have been talking/writing about it when it's so far from now.
Doubtful that would happen though.
I'm forwarding you an email you should have gotten - perhaps it got lost in the ether?
Nope - Origins is this time of year give or take a week.
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