Aug 12, 2007 17:23
So it is my new mission in life to get at the minimum the entire world to watch the 60's Batman movie. So far I've gotten Mr E, MeShell and Harri so I think i'm doing well. Mr E exceptionally enjoyed the logic skills they used, but who wouldn't? Fri I went to work and we were short-staffed due to more managment mishaps. Then harri and I watched more Supernatural. Work on Sat was lame to Bataclismic levels.
MeShell came round Sat night an her and Harri drank. Today my parentals popped in. They had Nni's present which is taunting me, sitting there warbling 'Open, open, open'. However I also have Torchwood singing 'Ianto, Ianto, Jack, Ianto, welsh, Myfanway' its like a chorus crying for concern. Batman has affected my linguistic skills.
I'm supposed to be working on my assignment but I'm really not.
For those who haven't seen Batman I'll leave you with this awesome riddle, imagine you're seeing it written in the sky by a Polaris missile.
What weighs 6 oz's, sits in a tree and is very dangerous?