The Story I Can/Will Never Write

Jun 28, 2008 00:45

This reply-email I got from somebody really sent me a'thinking.. He mentioned that my main problem is the length of my stories, which is something that I know about, but .. ah. Various reasons aside for why that's a problem, I decided to try writing as long a chapter/story as possible with no-holds-back.

Er, that is to say, something that will never be published, so I feel no worry and can go about it free as I please.

Only one story comes to mind with that defintion..

Naruto's arm snaked around behind his own back, making him arch forward at the uncomfortable postion. The pain and stiffness in his joints was wholy hidden by the maddening grin of pure insanity on his face.

Then he reached further still and dislocated his shoulder, swinging it far enough behind himself to slam his fingers into his spine. They dug in deep, until it was but his wrist that barely managed to escape. And then he clutched at something within himself and pulled..

The chain fell around his feet as he held his weapon above his head. Two large metal bars, curved at one end, and with a chain between them attached to that other end.

All his previous injuries, unnoticed, fell to the wayside behind that horrible smile which split his face like a cut through still-warm flesh.

And then he laughed.

It was a hollow sort of laughter, echoing away from all surrounded like a fine and toxic mist. They held their breathes, fearing to breath less they themselves become infected with this disease.

Umi jumped up from his chair, knocking the edge of the table so hard that it slid away from him half a foot.

His hand shot out like a flinch, a muscle spasm, into Rak's neck, who remained seated. As cold and impassive as ever.

The sword he drew out was not bloody or exceptional in any way .. except for the fact that it emerged from the back of Rak's neck.

This time Jiraiya got to see the faint glow that accompied the drawing of the weapon, but such information didn't do much good at the moment.

Naruto tensed his arm behind him, before snapping it forward, the chain with it.

Tsunade ducked - more really falling out of her seat sideways to take shelter under the table - at the same moment Umi leaped over the chain fully intent on killing, and the chain itself cut through the necks of two of Sand's representatives.

They fell bodiless out of their chairs, heads laying at an akward angle and Naruto still laughed.


The basement labatory was dank and drafty and He was lost. He was male at the moment, well .. for the most part.

He had automatically shifted into the masuline form at the debreifing meeting He had just attended, and had forgotten to shift back. Being Nameless, He didn't much notice any difference in His surroundings.

By the time He found the directory of these human-shaped tubes, He was female again.

She handed over the mission orders and stood in what little light reflected from the bottoms of the tubes penatrating the floor like columns of a building - all glass and liquid and no holiness about it.

Her partner had followed her the way down from the meeting, silent, and stood farther back on the stairs leading down to this small area. Tall and dark, with broad shoulders, he barely made an impression on the shadows that he hid against.

She knew he looked familar, but .. she couldn't remember anything beyond the last three thousand years, and that time was not memorable at best.

She basically slept under a rock in the dead center of a cave for the whole of it.


The Nameless-One fell on her feet, but landed on her knees. She was what would become Uzumaki..

The device was broken but her mind had much different matters in urgent need than that.

There was a child bleeding to death beside a man who looked too far gone himself.

She stumbled forward, half shifting to male in confusion. The sounds of battle still sounded around them, quickly dying out. Angry shouts and loud cries for someone were heard even more rapidly.

So, that one which forgot their own name, healed the small babe. But there was interference, and the Nameless-One was pulled forth into, or by the seal..

And as the four souls affected by that seal in the small body of a babe settled down, he began to remember, atlast ..

This was how it all began.


I say nothing on the names. They have faces, but no names.

@ fanfic, [series] naruto, title: tsiwnw

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