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I know that I come the series with a specific agenda I want to see Jamie Bamber act his little socks off and in this ep there was a dearth of the law side of things.
I've never watched many procedural shows and if they were to take it too far in this direction I might be less inclined to watch.
Characters I care about are key to me getting into a show.
I love me a heaping helping of Jamie, too, and do I prefer when he's in the show more? Sure. But do I expect him to have a lot of screen time every week? No. There's going to be episodes that tilt more toward the CPS and others toward CID, depending on the case, that's to be expected. At least with L&O:UK, by the very nature of the show's premise he's guaranteed to be in at least one scene every week. On BSG, he had better character development but there were a few episodes where he didn't turn up at all. ;)
I'm just disappointed that this week felt series regulars light.
And I know NO SPOILERS, but next week *ahem* focuses on one of the CPS team, too. Although it's unexpected, and good. It's really, really good. :D
I think the whole walk-and-talk thing is just something they've decided to go with to emphasise the fact we're in London. It's like Inspector Morse and Lewis taking us on walks around Oxford - something they do to show off the setting, especially for the foreign viewers who (apparently) dig that sort of thing...
Oh, and Natalie's TARDIS is a cookie tin, not a pencil tin (Doctor Who fan and pedant here!)
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