May 11, 2008 11:32
Time, it takes time to call forth
From soul mind that which
Break politic hath wrought
And fought to hide in
Deep dark recess of light sojourn paths
Oh! Come ye forge
Come ye fires
Come ye demons chained darkly
Come damned damning desires.
Oh! Spark ye inspiration
That which lay accursed
Deep, so deep.
To touch and grasp
The shadows, the mist, the
Mornings and dyings
Oh! Sweet entropy, that
Which decays.
To find and build and make
That which time and dirt hath
Broken, hath sullied, hath ravaged
Oh! Spring forth ye wayward wills,
Ye lost sailors, ye
Tiny baby bastard books, ye
Thoughts, ye bubbles.
To touch and to seek in dark
In tender solitude in
Snowflake brittle mountain mist of mind
Oh! Die ye bitter stain, ye
Twisted twig at sour root
Memory mind break
Bought and sold ye. He hath
Wrought this timeless fire
Sow Wind! Sow Wind!
Reap Time, Reap Time.
Dulcet Tones of Memory
You there in gossamer sheen, in velvet
Softness, in hazed Halcyon Falcons.
Take wind on whispers of fire.
You there with bleak misgivings, sin,
In times chamber of knowledge.
You in mountains, in spring, in hope, in bloom.
You, the clay, the slate,
You in paint, red, so red.
This pains, this stain, the rain, the rip, the tear,
The shame, Oh! The Shame.
You. Hiding. Gripping sheets to your chin,
Tight, so tight.
To hide, the rip, the tear.
You, the eyes, so wide
Dark Pools of disgust, empty, so empty
The depth of disappointment.
You, The shell, you the walls, you
So bare, bare, so bare and white,
The shell, the hall, the echo
The sighs, oh! Sighs.
The bruise, oh bruised.
Tin Can Man through strings screams wild.
You the machine,
The soul takes flight, no.
The husk, the cog.
Tik Tik Tik - Coff.
Tik Tik Tik - Coff.
Tik Tik Tik - Burn, Boom!
Tik, Tik…Tik……..Tik………….Tik.
You the bitch, you the scream, you the shred
You the turning and turning and turning
You the fire, the burn
You the burn, you the glass
You the dark, you the cold.
You the dead.
These things I have considered that
I may never forget. Of fountains
Dripping blood so barren, souls so dry.
I toast my dear, to the future.
I toast my little turtle dove to days gone by.
Cheers! Cheers! My twit, my fool, my parrot!
To why I burn these pages
on which I spill my heartblood
I want to write you of my best
Friend. One who has bled with me
And made me bleed.
One whom I have bled.
I have lost something.
A Torso, perhaps? One needs one
Doesn’t one?
Really. I say.
I want to write of a best friend, who
Has fled the fleeting
Affection of one not suited
To endure enduring eternity
To rip tear breach burn the one thing
Of sanity, value, in
A thing so golden, so rare, so fine
In threes it comes, in threes
We fly over mountain and meadow and,
No, nothing follows, nothing follows
No, nothing comes to mind.
In San Diego, one calls and calls,
Over time and heart and sex
Through wind and toil
And rip burn, cries and cries
Why! To the beat of the drums so deep
Rips so deep
Acute is the slice,
The knife and the knifer.
Both, the dance over fire, over jaws
So wide, teeth so sharp
Slick, so bad, so loose, so
Ripping, gnashing, burning
ripping time, to breach peace
To make that
Chasing sunset after sunset
Bar after bar of amber eternity
To a coastline that never ends,
Never tires, never sleeps.
And for what! To dance, and to smile,
And to slide it in, oh so fine,
Oh Sweet, oh rip, oh oh burn
To laugh and tell the tales that
Keep em comin back for more.
To Stop and Stare at a fire haired
goddessbitch who cries inside
An hourglass
She beats and beats
But glass wont break
Glass wont break,
Shreds of forever, slip through fingers
Clasped so tight, oh so tight.
Fight! Against the inevitability of the whys
And the hows
And cry Murder! Murder!
Of that wind, so free,
That mind, so fine,
The soul, so chained.
Come Wind! Come Toil!
Come everlasting goodness!
Come feathers unfettered!
Now! Now is your time
Now is your flight,
Gone are the phantoms
Of failure, of fighting of
Bruises, of crying
Of timeless voices
Voice break glass
Rip the shroud!
Death comes not to he who waits
But to he who leaps half hearted.
Forever comes to he who soars and
Dares to die in the soaring.
Leave the world, leave the earth,
The rip tear gnash burn
Leave it.