Sep 21, 2006 11:21
And nigger cold in Louisiana. Nah, not really. It feels soooooo good outside. Makes me wanna put on a ninja turtles outfit and dance. No really, I will.
Going to Mississippi this weekend. Just thought you'd all want to know. I'm fixing to shove size 0 plugs into my ears. O the pain. I like it.
Sooooo bored. Almost over my jew cold. Man it's been a rough past couple of days or week should I say. Just broke my fever. 103 aint no punk ya know. Calyns dogs are going ape shit right now.
Lauren are I are totally obsessed with Dane Cook. It should be illegal. NAH!
I've already started a countdown until the TOUR!!!!!
No really, I have.
I've also realized how much I hate my livejournal layout. Pink and black? Are you serious? Yikes.
I'm going canoeing this weekend. Probably totally mispelled that. I don't care.
Last time I went canoeing bad things happened and i wasn't able to laugh at myself about it until weeks had passed. HAHAHAHAHA funny times.