And let's not forget about the family values!

Apr 18, 2010 21:06

This is a bit more sobering post than I've written in a while, but I would like people to remember that the actions we take have an effect well beyond what we see. This is especially true in politics, as our political leaders are some of the most powerful people in the free world, and they have a great capacity to do much good (or much harm) well beyond our borders. If we want to consider ourselves as the "city on a hill", the guiding light of the free world, then selecting those who speak for us on the international stage is of the utmost importance.
I know anyone that bothers to read this has heard it a million times before, so I won't go on and on. The short version is this; know your history. Learn what people really stand for. Make sure that those who represent you are worthy to stand for you, because they are. And for the love of God, get your news from more than one outlet. PS. blogs are not reliable unless they site source material and you actually bother to read said material. Don't be lazy.
What moves me to talk about this you might ask? A story about Jack Abramoff, and more importantly Tom Delay- mr. family values, majority whip, conservative, and a wholly despicable individual who led a long, insidious career because people were too busy buying what he was selling instead of paying attention... A fairly egregious error for a constituency that proclaims to be better informed than the opposition. Now I would hope, most especially if you label yourself a 'Tea Partier', that you rise above the idiocy and make sure such people are no longer in your midst. I firmly suggest you do this before talking about how horrible the Democrats are, because ignoring these problems while working to get conservatives back in power will make you just another Republican toadie.

If you don't read this story and feel an ounce of shame... Well, then America is well and truly dead- and have yourself to blame.

Angry music for an angry day-
Metallica, Hero of the Day:

rants, politics, third world labor

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