Things about Stan Winston

Apr 20, 2012 20:03

My grandfather died today at 94.

Things he did with his life:
Corporate lawyer for an engineering firm.
WWII Veteran: He maintained the Naval warehouse which was a building reminiscient of the the final scene of Raider's of the Lost Ark. It was his job to find things.
Hiring manager during the 50s who got blacklisted people jobs.
Clown and mime. Brilliantly scarring us at birthday parties.
Off-Broadway actor. He was in Tony and Tina's wedding for years.
Commercial modeling. He was one of the bakers who stayed asleep while the Duncan Donuts guy had to make the donuts.
Folk Dancer. He and my grandmother once toured thru Eastern Europe to folk dance with the folk.
Rock Music Fan. All of us grandchildren would raid his vinyl collect and come up with The Beatles and The Who and the Rolling Stones.
Intellectual. One could not go to my grandparents' apartment in the Upper West Side without a book and usually a bag of books. At it was always a bag of thought provoking material, sometimes pornographic or otherwise shocking.
Bhodrain Drummer. In his 90s he was slowing down so he started playing in a Pub Band.
Loving Husband. The look in my grandfather's eyes when he looked at my grandmother is the look every wife deserves to get from her spouse.
Father. Both my mother and my aunt are reactions to their parents, but they are both forceful, accomplished people in their own right.
Revered Grandfather. All five of his grandchildren respect him. I hope we can do his legacy proud.
Great-Grandfather. My son called him "Super Gramps" because he had so much energy for a Great-Grandfather.

I'm missing a ton of stuff because my thoughts are a jumble, but you get the general picture.
I loved him and I'm going to miss him.


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