Report Card

Nov 16, 2011 12:22

Over the summer, Will asked for an iPod Touch.
I don't really want him to have an iPod Touch,
so I said (thinking I was creating an unreasonably
high bar) "If you get straight A's on a report card,
you can have one." I had no idea how MOTIVATING
that would be.

He got his report card. It is not straight A's.
However, it is the best report card he has ever gotten.

In the Academics section:

8 As (Art, health, oral comm, spelling, written comm, math, music, science)
2 Bs (reading and phys ed)
1 C (social studies (he didn't study for a big test and it bit him in the butt))
4 Os (outstanding effort)
5 Gs (good effort)
2 Ss (satisfactory effort in social studies and phys ed)

In the Work Habits section
5 Gs and 5 Ss.

I'm pretty damn proud of my kid's progress.


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