Oct 28, 2008 15:39
On Genes Reunited there is a (very useful) tool for matching up people in your family tree with people in other people's family tree. So, you know, "here are all the other trees containing an Aquila Slatcher born in 1843" which is terribly handy if your ancestor is called Aquila Slatcher and less handy if they are called Sarah Smith.
The people who annoy me are those who message you in February saying "hi I see you have an Aqulia Slatcher in your tree" and then message you again in October to say "hi I see you have an Aquila Slatcher in your tree" since it gets repetitious. They don't even have the excuse that its difficult to keep track of who you've corresponded with and who you haven't since GR does all that for you.
There's one person who has done this four or five times now. Last time it happened I sent a rather curt response saying "We've already agreed several times we are not related. Please keep track of who you have already talked to". I got a message back saying "You are a very rude person. I will not bother you again." - which, to do them credit, they haven't.
Actually the people who annoy me more are the ones who second time round go "Oooh! you've got so and so in your tree what do you know about them?" and you look it up and have to reply "only what you told me six months ago".
Prompted, obviously, because I just got one of those "Are we related?" queries and have just answered "Yes, but we knew this six months ago."