I have not commented on the news that RTD is to return to Doctor Who. Mostly because I'm still all a bit turned around and, if not lacking in time exactly, somewhat lacking in motivation and energy. Still I do have an opinion, which is mild trepidation. I wasn't grabbed by his vision for the show back in 2005 and definitely preferred Moffat's run as show runner (which isn't to ignore how wildly popular his version of the show was, and how much it did to shape and secure the show's future). Obviously RTD has done exciting things since, but I have a vague sense that comebacks are tricky things and often of dubious success. On the other hand, he does know how to adapt to time and circumstance. His one foray into the novels during the wilderness years (cover above) was very much of their time and style and, while one can draw links between it and 2005 Doctor Who (mostly that it's set on a council estate) he created something very different for the family audience. Perhaps he will do something exciting and different again for the modern TV landscape.
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