We were woken up by the Earthquake this morning. I've never been in an earthquake before. There was one in Nottingham when we were there which I didn't notice (I forget if I slept through it or if I was away that day). Having never experienced an earthquake I was therefore more confused than anything else to be awoken by the house shaking. The sensation felt vaguely familiar (the Today program joined the dots for me this morning by noting it felt like a train going past - I grew up in a house that shook every time a goods train went past, even though we were too far from the track to hear anything) and in my confused half waking state I think I actually thought the house was moving by itself. I'm glad I didn't have the time to follow that train of thought down the - we're sleeping over the bit without foundations - remember that floor joist that crumbled because of wet rot? - in the outrigger - which next door no longer has because their one fell down - path.
"What was that?" I asked when it stopped.
"Probably an earthquake."
Oooh, excitement.
PS. I'm not surprised
ladyofastolat didn't feel it. According to the Today program it was felt "as far away as Southampton"...