Reading: Red Seas under Red Skies - I'd been avoiding this book because I loved its predecessor, The Lies of Locke Lamorra and had been told the sequel wasn't as good. I told my sister this when she gave me this book for Christmas and she said something to the effect of "yes, but it's still a good book". So far, yeah, it's good but not as good as lies. And, note, I've now caught up in my to read pile with books I was given last Christmas and it's not even this Christmas yet!.
Listening: I tried out a bunch of new podcasts of which the only one that has stuck is
Stuff you Missed in History. This one's current status is "I'll listen to a couple more episodes and see". It's quirky and interesting but a lot more obviously commercial and slick than most of the podcasts I listen to, and I'm not sure how high my tolerance is for what seem to be, essentially, random historical anecdotes.
Watching: The Space Pirates for the Randomizer. So far this is proving more watchable than anticipated.
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