Monday, December 13 rec...

Dec 14, 2010 09:07

Happy belated birthday to hollydb #11 #12 rec are two of her Christmas fics.

Title: Blood and Mistletoe
Author: hollydb

Summary: Jilted with mingled feelings for the Slayer post the Will Be Done spell, Spike declares his feud with the Scoobies, a Pax Romana for the holidays, and naturally ends up with a handful.

Season: season 4 - Post Something Blue
Length 6 parts

Why: This one was fun - full of non-angsty UST.

Title: It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
Author: hollydb

Summary:Torn and numb after her fall from Heaven, Buffy is haunted by ghosts of her past, and confronted with the truth of her future
Season: Season 6 - post Gone
Length 9 chapters

Why: Buffy’s touch of Dickens: A holiday time travel with an emotional glow that lasts long after the story is over.

by rainbow graphics

season 6, rec: christmas fic, season 4
