Beyond my Realm of Reality

Nov 02, 2010 20:51

Beyond my Realm of Reality

Fandom - Supernatural

Pairing - Gabriel/Sam, Lucifer/Sam and Castiel/Dean, Michael/Dean

Rating - PG13/R

Warnings - Kink, blood, guts and gore, individual warnings per chapter

Disclaimer - I disavow ownership of these characters.

Summary - Sariel is the Angel who keeps Time. She accidentally sends Sam to an alternate, alternate universe. The Apocalypse is on, Sam is apparently supposed to be in love with Gabriel but Lucifer is after him for other reasons than to just possess him; after all Possession and Possession are two different things. Michael and Castiel are in a war over Dean - and sometimes, ya just gotta do what’cha gotta do!

Chapter 1 - In the Beginning

The building blew up around them. Smoke and fire burnt hot in the atmosphere. Sam breathed in the smoke, coughing afterwards but just couldn’t stop that most natural part of a human’s existence. He heard Dean’s voice somewhere above him and wondered how he’d become flattened to the floor. There was a loud buzzing in his hears. He hadn’t hit his head though, he was damned sure of that.

Squinting, Sam tried to clear his vision. It was the wackiest thing that could happen after a building practically blows up around you - he found himself in the Motel room he and Dean rented before starting on the hunt for the Fire Pixy. Damn Pyromaniac Pixy - of all things it had to just burst into flames before Dean could kill it with the pine stake dipped in dead mans blood - which was the only thing that could actually kill a pixy.

That meant though…how did he get from the burning building to the motel room and not be hacking up a lung from smoke inhalation?

“Weird,” Sam muttered as he climbed out of bed. The motel room door squeaked open and Sam cringed. Dean hummed Led Zeppelin. He closed the door with his foot and placed their breakfast on the small table that was clear, for the moment, of Sam’s Laptop.

“Good morning, Sleepin’ Beauty,” Dean gave Sam the sappiest grin ever.

“Dean, what’s wrong with you?” Sam blinked. No more than twenty-four hours before, Dean’d been pissed about Sam meeting up with Ruby but swearing off the Demon Blood. He hadn’t believed a word of it but Sam couldn’t blame him.

“What do you mean what’s wrong with me?” Dean pouted; he was supposed to be happy after all he had a good night spent with Castiel.

“Erm…nothing, I must have had a dream and got things mixed up,” Sam felt the excuse flimsy at best. Dean bought it. That was weird in the fact alone that Dean always picked up on when Sam was being a total liar. Maybe today was just an off day with them.

Dean shrugged and handed Sam a large black coffee. “Gabriel popped in at the drive-through,” Dean started, “He say’s that there is a whole contingent of Demons that have taken over this town in Colorado,”

“Really?” Sam tried to keep the surprise out of his voice. Gabriel had been dead these last two months. How could he…but he’d tricked them before; the Bastard.

“Yup, he wants us to check it out,” Dean handed Sam a breakfast burrito and a packet of ranch dressing.

“Why are you so gun-ho to do something for Gabriel?” Sam questioned.

Now, it is Dean’s turn to blink at Sam; “Since he became your boyfriend,” he replied in a way that made Sam think that Dean was entirely too serious.

Sam snorted coffee out his nose.


“What do you mean what?” Dean looked concerned now. Well, in their line of business body-swapping, age-regression and other very weird mental states of the mind were things to worry about. Literally. Dean moved from his chair at the table and smacked his hand across Sam’s forehead.

Sam crossed his eyes to try and get a better look at Dean; “When the hell has feeling me up ever constituted a Supernatural happening?”

“Well, you feel normal,” Dean muttered.

“Quick, what is the last thing you remember?” Dean questioned.

“We were hunting a Pyro Pixy and it exploded the building around us,” Sam shrugged, “and then I woke up here,”

Dean shook his head in utter disbelief, “Damn, that’s just weird,”

“Not so much for you!” Sam huffed, “I’m the one who’s been displaced!”

Dean sighed and returned to his chair; “Whatever man, we’ll…like…fix it…” Dean shrugged.

“So…what else should I be made aware of?” Sam asked. He took a gulp of coffee because right now only that and the burrito are gonna help him get over this freaky trip. He unwrapped it for a huge bite.

“Well, Gabriel is your boyfriend going….four months. The apocalypse is still on but Lucifer wants to make you his Concubine, his words and not mine, anyway - as for me….Cas is trying hard to Court me because he’s a goody-two-shoes and Michael wants me for about the same reasons as Lucifer wants you…..does that make any sense?” Dean had a huge shit-eating grin on his face by the time he got done with the run down.

“Not much, no,” Sam reiterated.

“It never does,” Dean shrugged.

“So….this town in Colorado…?” Sam questioned.

“Yeah, I guess we’ll take it on,” Dean nodded and guzzled his coffee.

Sam shook his head. No matter how weird things got, they were still brothers; and that wasn’t a girly thought, no way in Hell.


It hadn’t occurred to them that calling their perspective Angels would have kept them out of a bit of Smiting-Vengeance. Dean just hadn’t thought of it because he takes on every problem head-on…or ignores it till it goes away - whichever came first. Sam didn’t think of it because he didn’t remember four months of post-colitis euphoria with Gabriel.

So, technically - that meant that he was justified in screaming like a girl - Dean’s turn of phrase - when Gabriel popped in behind in, in the shower, just as naked as Sam and just as suddenly latching onto Sam’s neck - effectively giving Sam a hikkie that couldn’t be hidden.

Now - they sat in the motel room; Castiel is doing his best Dean-frown impression while Gabriel forestalled the All-Holy-Angelic-Smiting. Sam’s hair was still wet from the shower and Dean snickered even though Gabriel glared at him in annoyance.

“Look, Gabriel, I’m sorry - I didn’t plan this!” Sam tried his puppy-dog look on the Angel. It worked before and who was to say that Gabriel’s Sam hadn’t tried that same look himself. He ruined it with a double take - “Is it weird to think of myself as two different people, though essentially I have to be the same person besides the obvious differences? I mean - it’s not like I hadn’t thought of Gabriel in that way in the…other time…its just that, I wasn’t entirely sure that I wouldn’t be rejected,”

Three full-on confused stares met this diatribe.

“Uh…did I say that out loud?” Sam asked innocently because that was supposed to be an internal monologue.

“Damn, kiddo,” Gabriel sighed, “I can’t smite you when you’re obviously a victim of some random Mojo,” and then he was in Sam’s lap kissing him full on the lips.

Sam wasn’t sure what to do but closing his eyes and leaning in is the best idea that popped into his head at that very moment. He did so and Gabriel seemed happy enough. Dean made a gagging noise and Cas just stood there and watched. Sam swore that Cas must be a secret voyeur at heart.

“Okay, well….I know for certain that you aren’t cursed,” Gabriel leaned away from the kiss and smirked at Sam, “which means that it can’t have been Demon or Witch related,”

“What could it be related to then?” Dean questioned.

“Angels,” Gabriel grinned and Sam groaned. Damn it.

“Okay, and maybe this is a stupid question, but who could have done that?” Dean smacked his lips. They didn’t know much about Angels but from what they did know, when stuff like this happen, its usually because said Angel want Said Brother to learn a lesson.

“Well, there are several Angels in charge of Time,” Castiel said, “Maybe one of them know how it happened,”

“Good suggestion,” Gabriel hopped out of Sam’s lap.

“So, here is the plan,” and Gabriel pointed fingers at Sam and Dean, “All ya’ll go and check out that demon infested town I mentioned to Dean this morning, while Cas goes to see which Time Angel did what to our Sammy,”

“And what will you do?” Cas deadpanned.

“I can’t waltz into Heaven, Michael will smite me! I have to lay low,” Gabriel huffed good naturedly at his younger Angelic Brother.

“Right, because you’re still banned from Heaven,” Sam muttered.

“That’s right,” Gabriel nodded.

“Okay, well….I guess that’s all we can do till we figure out how to….put Sam in his right Time Zone,” Dean clapped his hands and jumped to his feet, “Let’s get going!”

And they started packing as Castiel and Gabriel popped only Heaven knew where.


lucifer, slash, castiel, sam winchester, supernatural, dean winchester, fan fiction, michael, gabriel, pg13

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