what's the buzz, tell me what's a-happening

May 27, 2005 13:39

Ok, so exams start in just over two weeks. Is the fact that I'm only a little bit stressed a) confidence in my exam-writing abilities or b) blind optimism? Probably somewhere in-between. I'm not worried about German because it's just grammar, and I love grammar and got 92% on my last grammar test. And I'm not too worried about Legal Process because I'm sitting on 90% and it's my last exam, five days after the previous one. I'm still annoyed that they're making Contract closed book, especially as it's worth 80%, but I have study tips and I like Contract, so it shouldn't be too hard to study for. And I'm not too stressed about M&O, there's a fair bit of content but it's all fairly basic.

So all that leaves is Micro, and I'm sitting on the ledge at 70% which is really not where I want to be. Plus it's my first exam. But is it just that I didn't put the work in beforehand? To be fair, the mid-semester was the day after CP opening night, and the essay was due the day before major-killer-i'veneverwrittenthatmuchbefore 2500 word M&O assignment. And I can see all of you hardened uni folk laughing, 2500 words isn't that much (and it's not), but at school our lit long essays were never more than 1500 words, and even my major year 12 physics assignment (on "the dimensionality of time" which is actually really fascinating) was only 2300 or something. But then again, I'm actually really interested in micro. It's quite cool to see, and to be able to explain, how these economic systems work. Why everything moves in a big circle when the equilibrium is upset. And you think, this is how our society works. Micro will be fine, I know :)

Other news from Louisaland (hahaha Petoria):
- my magazine came in the mail today (my parents got me a subscription to "Chik" for my birthday last year). I plan to read it in bed tonight. I've really taken to reading in bed - I've been reading "A Long Way Down" which is Nick Hornby's newest book. It's pretty good so far.
- I got my German essay in yesterday, yay! I think it's pretty good. Has anyone else seen "Run Lola Run"? How great is that movie???
- Having now written about exams, I feel much more confident about them.
- My sister went to see Star Wars, and reports that it was "pretty good". Hmm. I was under the impression that it was better than that. I plan to see it after exams, and Hitchhikers Guide as well.
- I worked out that next year I'll be studying Torts, Crim, German 3 & 4, OB, Consumer Behaviour and Organisational Structure & Design. I am still full of first-year optimism and looking at the titles of these units excites me to no end. Also, in third year I will be doing what looks like the best German unit ever: it's called "German: Youth On Stage". You put on a German play - and get assessed on it!!! How good is that!
- I'm hungry. I'm going to have some lunch.


Love Louisa :)
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