I am imperfect, and you leapt at the opportunity to point it out.
He says,'the other day you said you were worried about money to buy Christmas presents, and today you bought new shoes."
Yes, and yes. I am concerned that with gifts for your family, mine, and you my brand new husband, we will spend a small fortune. I meant I'd rather find more creative and cost friendly gifts. And as for the shoes; my mother boughthem for me, you know ive said i need a new paur of work shoes, as my only pair are literally falling apart. You supported the notion of new shoes.
He said, "and you're buying nicorette gum as well as cigarettes, that's certainly not right." You're right, it's not. But remind me, who is the one who started smoking again and hiding it initially, then sharing with me? I've got the hum to try and quit again, i made a mistake and bought the pack today but did i not tell you i had rather than hide it, and lie about where i got them? Like how you committed to abstaining from alcohol, because you didn't want me drinking anymore and you wanted to nake it easier for ne?
Well, remember when you had that 24pack that you hid ib the studio? I dont care if your friend brought it. Your explaination that you kept it down there as not to tempt me is bullshit stupid. You lied to me, makibg a commitment to me that you immediately broke and hid from me.
Hds the beer, hid the smoking, both until i found evidence and called you out. I cant help but wonder what else you're not telling me?
All evening you were short with me, not keeping any eye contact, hardly speaking to ne, but i kept asking for reassurance that you were okay, you insisted that nothing was amiss, you are just tired, no really everything is ok, no nothing is on my mind, nothing is borthering me. And i fucking knew something is. I even expressed my discomfort, as you've behaved in this pattern before and it always ends up biting me in the ass, and you bite my head off. And whattaya know. You did it again.
I wonder, why is he so critical of me? So accusatory? So suspicious and, sometimes, mean?
Because you were mean today. Huffy. Dismissing. Distant and pushing me away....which ends up sitting weird on me, until i need space fron you, because your regard to me causes me to feel miserable. And when i take care of myself and step away, you pounce. Accuse me of not being there for you. Telling me all you wanted was for me to hold you and tell you i love you.....but i did, and you rejected me and were cold, until it made me cold too so i had to steo away to warm back up.
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