1. do you like anyone? Yeah.
2. do they know it? Yeah.
3. Cried? Unfortunately, yes.
4. Had someone buy you something? If you count my mom.
5. Bought something? Yep.
6. Gotten sick?: Not really.
7. Been hugged?: Yup = D
8. Felt stupid?: All the time.
9. Talked to an ex? Yeah.
10. Missed someone: Yeah.
11. Failed a test: Yeah! The history test I took today.
12. Eaten cereal: Nope
13. Danced crazy: Nope
14. Gotten your hair cut?: Nope
15. Lied?: Yes
16. Any nervous habits?: Umm...?
17. Are you double jointed?: No.
18. Can you roll your tongue?: Yeah.
19. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Yep.
20. Can you cross your eyes?: Yep.
21. Do you make your bed daily?: I never make my bed.
23. Said "I Love you" and meant it: Yes and I still do mean it.
24. Given money to a homeless person? Sorry, I need my money more than they do. Jk
26. Waited all night for a phone call that never came? In a sense...
27. Snuck out?: Not that I recall...
28. Sat and looked at the stars?: AP? That's funny...
DO YOU. . .
29. Do you swear? When don't I?
31. cook your own food?: Most of the time...
32. do your own chores? chores...what are these things you speak of?
33. like beef jerky? Hell Yeah.
34. like pepsi or coke?: Sprite.
35. are you happy with your hair? Sure.
36. own a dog? no.
37. spend your money wisely? Most of the time.
38. like to swim? Only if it's at the right persons house ; )
39. Get bored when you call a friend? Why would you call them in the first place then? Not really.
40. Are you patient?: No...very far from it.
1. Are you in a relationship? No = (
2. If so, who with? My invisible boyfriend who I love very much cuz he'll never hurt me.
3. Sign: Cancer
4. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yeah.
5. What about true love?: Yeah.
6. Have you made out with casual people? Once...
7. Would you kiss on the first date? Yup.
8. Do you look for one night stands?: No.
9. Do you enjoy gifts from your girl/guy: Yes but being with them is just as good.
1. Have you planned out your valentines day?: Valentines day? WTF is that? I'm going bowling.
2. do you like having a valentine?:'s made up holiday, get it through your heads.
3. does someone like you currently?: I think so.../Yes.
4. are you even worried about the upcoming holiday? Holiday? I know of no upcoming holiday.
6. Is a little kiss during school on vday sweet?: Yup.
7. have you ever gotten something from someone on the day? No.