Jun 08, 2005 16:11
Why I'm taking AP American History next year even I don't know. All that I do know is that my friends had better help me like they promised. I hate school, I want Friday the 17 to come...Cedar Point. Thursday...rest, sleep in, AIR CONDITIONING!!! Normal people would be gettin rid of text books at this time of year right? Nope, not me and about 32 others...we just got a new one, a very large one. Dumbass history. I'm going to fail my bio final...Geometry final rules though...It's the chapter 11 test!!! Rock on Buchanan. First day civics and band...too easy...second day jazz band and geometry...simple...last day ELA and Bio...okay...no more keisel =`( I'm leaving you all for homework now...how fun...ttyl