So, for the people who've noticed I've not been around on AIM/within shouting distance or writing much over the past few weeks... who wants to see why? :D
-Here's a random close up of Four, flashing his argyle~
Yes, that's One through Ten of the doctors made by hand because well.... hell, it was fun :D Although Six's coat scared the bejeebus out of me and I took to his blue 'mourning jacket' instead. Perhaps when I feel less of a MUST FINISH ALL OF THEM deadline over my head, I will experiment in making his 'oh dear, a craft store has gotten sick on me' coat. If you like them, and I hope some people do, please go here
and bring one of these gents home as every traveler needs a place to rest his head~
Tell people who you think might like them, I'm also willing to do commissions for the same fee that's up there on my etsy shop!
Phew, I feel like I can take a nap now!! THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT <3