Mar 05, 2009 22:55

 i haven't written anything spectacular in a long long time. not even a short story or just a reflection on life and people around me. i've been blaming it on writers block but honestly i think it's because i've just been slack and unmotivated. i've been in a serious funk with my writing that i sometimes wish there was some sort of medication to keep my mind stimulated enough to document my every thought. unfortunately not. or maybe it's a good thing.

the philippines was exceptionally great. there are no words to combine just how much i love the country of my birth. reflecting on the trip, i've realised just how much i've grown up and how much i've come to terms with my own reality concerning where i stand in the world. i consider myself a stone in the sand when it comes to my upbringing as i've come to understand just how incredibly lucky i am to live the life i am living today. the poverty there is disgusting. it makes me ill and angry and wishing i had a trillion dollars so i could build houses for everyone who lived in slums and fed everyone who was starving. i guess in theory i could do that if i dedicated my entire life on it, at least it would help just one or maybe a few but they'd still be better off. it makes me proud to be australian having seen poverty to it's grime. not that it's a bad thing to consider one's self a filipino, but it allows me to to be truly thankful for my blessings. it makes me angry to hear people i know bag out australia and it's culture and while i'm not patriotic enough to tattoo the southern cross stars on my skin, i am however patriotic enough to say "hey mate, if you don't like australians, then fuck off my country. douche."

in other news it's Lent season again and sacrifice being no alcohol for 40 days. i usually don't last the full 40 days as my birthday always seems to creep in just before Easter. nevertheless, it's the effort that counts.

note to self and others: don't drink 1L duty free alcohol by yourself. it leads to having a 2-4-1 bacon delux at hungry jack's and then dreaming about barfing it up in bed and then waking up in bed with a puddle of vomit because you actually DID barf 2-4-1 all over your sheets and mattress. alcohol does funny things.

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