Name: Louise “Louie” Lefevre
Alias: Louie The Fea
Age: 16-18
Occupation: Foster Child
Personality: She is a spastic little child, which makes her very jumpy and rather predictable when you are telling her something important, or completely unpredictable because of her ADD. She can’t read because her Dyslexia is so severe, and instead of taking the time to sit and focus on the letters and rearrange them, she simply avoids it. Her ADD is also makes her more spastic, energetic, and generally uncontrolable. Thankfully with her spastic nature, she is very forward and honest about what comes out of her mouth. She tries her best to sugar coat whatever she feels might need it, but because she has the tendency over react to several things (if not all of things she comes into contact with) she blurts out whatever comes to mind and then hurriedly apologies in some way or another for whatever she had said or done. Even if she hasn’t done something. Because of her continuous foster care, and her mother’s parenting skills - or lack there of -, she is not quick to trust. She’ll act like she does trust you, but keeps everyone she meets at a safe, comfortable,and slightly obvious mental distance. She’s easily addicted to things and will latch onto whoever happens to show her attention of any kind, but while her ADD makes it hard for her to focus; she can try to listen for a short period of time. She prefers help to being left alone, however, she can function just fine for a while on her own.
Powers: Louie calls herself a “tele-freak”, which is one way of saying that she is capable of telekenisis, or using energy produced from her nerve endings out and at whatever objects or persons she choses; whenever she does this, however, it sounds like a gun shot. She also can create a force field that can surround a small group of about four or five people. Whenever she creates this force field, since the energy comes from her nerve endings, she can feel light tap, or a push, depending on what is hitting the force field at the time. She can teleport, but it feels useless to her since whenever she teleports there is the sound of a gunshot again. She has to be able to see where she’s teleporting or else she ends up just making the gunshot sound and reappearing in the same area. Her telekinesis and force field might allow her to hover a few inches off the ground, and when she gets too excited she has been known to send herself straight up into the sky like a rocket. One thing remains the same, every time she uses her powers, it sounds like a gun shot.
History: Louie, or Louise, was the only daughter of a Cocaine Addict named Jane. Jane needed a fix one day, however, she found herself with no money and no way to pay for her dire need for a cocaine fix. So she used herself. She got her fix alright, and she also came out with a baby from her sugar daddy coke dealer, who once he found out about it wasn’t exactly the happiest dealer in the world and left Jane a bleeding mess in the house she was squatting in with a group of other strawberry blondes. Jane was clean on and off throughout her entire pregnancy, and it wasn’t until she got a nasty flu that she was sent into labor after a coughing fit. Because her mother had been taking cocaine throughout the pregnancy Louie was premature, and an addict baby giving her a shrill disturbing scream that would make even the best of nurses cringe. Louie remained in the hospital, which forced her mother to stay clean during the duration of her own child’s withdrawal. Louie was subsided by a morphine drip, and her mother was happy so long as her pain pills kept the Cesarean wound from hurting too much. Louie and her mother were finally sent out and Jane moved into a half way house to help make sure she stayed clean.
Louie was a sickly child who came with some rather nasty tantrums, and screaming fits that was part of her addictive behavior because of her mother’s habit. Because Louie was so difficult to keep track of, at least according to her mother, Jane dove back into another addiction. This time the winning prize went to heroine and cocaine. The cocaine made Louie’s mother anxious and paranoid, and Louie would experience the brunt of her mother’s new temper. Suddenly Louie’s fits were farther In between and she would now flinch whenever her mother would raise her voice. Jane bounced from one dealer to another dealer, and kept Louie in her hands only because Louie was still her child. Jane’s boyfriends, or current dealers didn’t treat Louie any better. Louie got used to it, or so she thought. As long as mommy was high, whatever guy was with her was happy, and Louie was quite and out of the way - nothing would happen to Louie and she might even eat at the same time as them. Louie lived on her own whenever her mother didn’t have a boyfriend, and then it happened. One day, she woke up and her mother was gone, and the house they were squatting in was left more barren than before. Louie, for the first time in her life, was truly alone and within a week she was picked up by the police and placed immediately into foster care. If asked, Louie would say she was better off with her abusive mother.
Louie’s first foster parent ordered her changed because Louie had too many disabilities for them to handle. She was dyslexic, and had ADD. Her dyslexia was so bad that she could hardly read, in fact, she wouldn’t read at all, and combined with her ADD she would spend a majority of the class time sitting in the time out chair. Her medication always cost more money than the government could give the Foster Parents she was with and because her luck didn’t always give her the best parents, she would sometimes go without and she was often placed in Special Education classes to help her. When Louie was thirteen something odd happened to her and it resulted in her being transferred to another Foster home.
It sounded like a gun shot, and it scared the other girl she was sharing a room with. Suddenly Louie could send sparks of what she called Louie Liquor off and cause something to either explode, fly, or make doors shut. She broke three windows, a table, a door and its frame, and when she got in a fight with one of the boys in the house she sent him flying through the wall. So she was sent first to the hospital and see what her problem was, and was suddenly labeled as a “Special Situation” whenever handed over to another family. Occasionally a family would take her and try to teach her how to use her skills and powers, but she’d get so frustrated she’d create a kind of pink-red bubble around her that would send people flying from her. She was trapped in a system that had labeled her as disabled, handicap, useless, unworkable, bad mannered, bad tempted, and freakish. She knew she wasn’t going to have a family ever, and so stopped trying to follow the rules given to her. Despite the fact that once they were being explained to her - she’d become completely distracted by something.