Hungry fella? There ya gO...

Apr 19, 2006 10:32

No reason to explain my whereabouts..
But how much can a pregGo dO?

Keepin' it KoShEr..

I can't wait till Memorial Day weekend..
I need a break, immediately if not sooner!

I'm dying to know whether it's a boy or girl already..
My tOp priority is that its a healthy baby.
And then all I ask is that it's a boy.. lOl

I'm only 2 months and look like i'm 4 months..
What the hell..
Apparently there are two possibilities..
I could be having twins OR one really big kid.


I had this gut renching feeling you would call last night and you did..
BUT I was sleeping.
Perhaps its better we didn't speak..
BUT I miss you like crazy.

Ralph and I went to Walmart last night..
And ran into some old friends Marjorie & Shannon.
I love Ralph, he always knows exactly what to say to put a smile on my face.

Daniel & I raved at Preem's yesterday..
Never a dull moment.
Preem's seems to be my 2nd home these days..
No complaints.. I love my mOmMa & pOps & bRother Ricky.. lolol

i heart PreEm,
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