Jan 24, 2006 09:12
I feel like a scrabble board.. a bunch of letters, but it is quite tough to put them together to make words to express what I want to say.. Prepare for rambling because I'm just going to put it all out there..
Although your entry was refreshing, I am still upset. Upset because I had enough decency to respect you, but after hearing your thoughts on me I am repulsed. How dare you call me fake.. Let's just end itenough names there, we've dragged through the mud. I can't deny that my true feelings snicker behind my "respect" for you to the point that I couldn't even look you in the eye yesterday. Did you happen to observe that?
Unlike Daniel I am not as optimistic or as forgiving as he can be. Like you I always remember.. everything ever said, done, before and after.. Memories tend to always linger in my thoughts, because as we know I love to live in gOod memories and time well spent.
Over the years I've taken every action, mistake & event as a lesson learned.. Everything as a piece to the puzzle that makes up ME. I can agree with so many aspects of how you are feeling about our situation, but at the same time I can disagree just as easily.
I can tell you that from past experience I've learned..
The first time someone hurts you it may be a mistake, the second time its their fault and the third time [AND hopefully final time] its your fault.... for allowing that person the opportunity to be apart of your life even though that person continues to hurt you.
That reminds me.. I cannot bring myself to forgive the women that gave birth to my father.. even as she continues to ask for me on her death bed. [ I dread calling her a grandmother, because she did not grasp the concept of that word with my side of the family ] I'm sorry I don't think I will ever forgive her or my father for their actions. Those are two people I learned to live without, two major people, that quite frankly are just figures from my past.
Apologies not excepted.. sOrry! One why I've made the choices I make. day you'll realize why I've the choices I've made..
As for you and I, I will only continue to treat the situation like you. So many little words spoken regarding the situation at hand leads to so little importance of the situation and you. I know the meaning of friendship and I know when I'm at fault.
In fact I can't remember what I did wrong.. When I'm wrong I recognize it and I will apologize, but I have nO recollection.. Oh well..
No matter what my birthday is 2 days away.. I'm content and I know I will have a GREAT weekend. Daniel you have lot to do with it all.. thank yOu I love you always & forever!
I love Daniel,