The Friday Five ~
1. What sets you apart from your friends?
I actively work to stay in touch and hang the F*** out! Most of my friends are great, but don't always get out much! I'm usually the one who calls and sets up the outting... and of course they always have fun and want to do it again. You'd think they'd be more active!
2. What sets you apart from your family?
I'm the first to do most things, specifically college. I've been at an out of state college, in state JC, and I'll be going to a state college... plus being engaged... Basically, I'm the oldest, and in a great position to excel in life and lead by example. I'm hitting a lot of "firsts."
3. What sets you apart from your coworkers/fellow students?
With coworkers, I'm usually a bit more perky. I'm faster than hell when I apply my full energy, but I usually make sure it's done correctly, pretty anal, and keep a good attitude. Figure this, if I'm pissed at work, something bad must have happened :P
Regarding fellow students, I study very well, able to learn just about all material, and do well when I completely apply myself. I say that because I'm notorious for procrastinating, but hey, I guess that's what "sets me closer" to them :-)
4. What is the one thing about you that is most unique?
I can read people extremely well. Perhaps it is from being around customers, or intermingling with band students, clubs... whatever it is, I can generally read what kind of person they are, and what kind of conversation they'd most respond to; to the point, joking, or random.
5. What is your most interesting quality?
The ability to make nearly anything happen when I set my mind to it. Trips, school, outtings, or any goal for that matter. If I put my mind to it, I can accomplish anything... not to steal a quote from Back to the Future or anything :-P