Friday... Monday... it's all the same

Apr 30, 2007 14:00

The Friday Five... today!

1. What is your all time favorite book?
    All the books of the Harry Potter series. They're all great.
2. What is your all time favorite movie?
    The Matrix. Hands down. I'm actually watching it right now for a paper I'm writing in Philosophy... it's just the best damn movie ever.
3. What are you reading right now?
    I'm reading Michael Savage: The Political Zoo, and Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.
4. What is your favorite show on tv?
    24 and Family Guy. Heroes is the bomb too, but 24 and Family Guy is where it's at.
5. What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
    Hmmm, the last movie I saw was Meet the Robinsons. It's an OK movie. I don't think it's worth the $9 to see it though.

I finally found the journal where this "Friday Five" comes from. My friend Cena always put it in her blog, so I went out to find it, and did. I should have this up every Friday.

So how's life? Well, I'm working a good amount around 40hrs a week, which I enjoy. A steady job and paycheck. I got my new phone, which I told ya'll about. I'm actually in the process of writing a paper right now. It's for philosophy. We're arguing for or against a philosopher's point while using a movie as our impetus for discussion. I'm arguing FOR Descartes' point that (through the movie The Matrix) we cannot be certain that we are not in a pod, like living in the Matrix. I will take it a step further and argue that perhaps this three dimensional world we live in may be just like the 'idea' of the Matrix; that there is a true reality beyond what we can sense. You can think of it as a spiritual, soul world in which we cannot experience until our souls leave our bodies. This is very dualistic, and follows what Plato discusses in his Allegory of the Cave. All in all, the main point will be to agree with Descartes in concluding that the only thing one can be sure of is that they exist. "I think, therefore I am." It'll be cool to write, but I'll be a day late on turning it in :-P Last time I was two days late, but got a good grade even with the grade reduction. What can I say, I want it to be a good paper... not a last minute BS answer.

We had our fist League Softball game yesterday. Apparently this team has sucked in the past, but we did very well. Unfortunately we lost by 2 points, but it was fun. We should have won, but there were some dropped catches in Right Center... from the guy I was rotating with! Maybe next game, I'll be a permanent player out there. Ooo, and the INO softball team is about to start up. I'm talking games every Sunday from the League, and practices at least once a week from the INO team. WOO HOO! fun...

One of these days I'll have the time and money to have my own site.

friday five, school, work

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