Jul 08, 2004 23:38
my old self got to cool or something like that so deleted the new lou. well for those of you who dont know there was an old lou. but he died supposevely sometime around february or march when he put that shoelace on and turned into the new lou. but now the new lou has gotten played out to much and he was put to rest. you will now be dealing, loving, hating, and wanting to be my newself, STOKELY CARMICHAEL. i guess its the newest upgrade influenced by to much coolness. so dont call me lou anymore or we will all be confused unless your talking about som, no actually just dont say that word at all. and since im so cool my boss decided to make me work tomorrow night and i probably wont witness the fun but in true STOKELY CARMICHAEL fashion the party wont start til i get there so ill find a way. bye faggot