(no subject)

Jun 22, 2013 21:51

Out of the crack between the blinds and the windowsill, Glynna watched the stars as she nodded off to sleep in her own bed. The mattress felt soft as a cloud beneath her and she yawned peacefully knowing nothing could be more comfortable. Exams out of the way and no Prefect duties to worry about until August, she felt utterly relaxed and at home. Even the train trip was exhausting, trying to keep restless students out of trouble - especially difficult when everyone was already in holiday mode.

“God, I’m not tired at all!” Fiona’s voice broke through the peaceful atmosphere.

“Ehh,” mumbled Glynna, trying to roll over in the hopes her relaxation would return.

From Fiona’s bed came the sounds of crumpling sheets and blankets heaping onto the floor. Glynna could hear her sister wriggling and sighing loudly.

“I’m way too excited to go to Ezla,” continued Fiona. “I wish I could just go there tomorrow. Are we gonna keep the boys visit long?”

“I don’t know,” mumbled Glynna, grumpily. “Go to sleep.”

There was a silence. Glynna hoped for the best, but the next thing she knew she could hear padding across the floor quickly followed by a weight on her mattress, pulling her sheet off her.

“I guess that’s a ‘no’ ...”

“Hey,” Fiona leant across Glynna’s bed so she could lean on the wall, it was too hot to lay next to her. “What did you think of Schala?”

Glynna paused. She probably should have seen that one coming, she mused. Fiona was sitting on her legs, so she pulled them out roughly while thinking about her response.

“Oh ... um. Do you think she and Dove are the same age?”

Fiona paused and through the darkness Glynna could sense the confused frown her sister was wearing.

“Yes?” supplied Fiona in an unsatisfied tone.

Glynna sighed. “She seems ... sick. Doesn’t she?”

There was another brief pause before Fiona continued. “Do you think ma noticed?”

Well, of course she did, said Glynna’s inner voice with irritation. If Fiona had bothered to look up, she would have seen it written all over their mothers face. “...Yeah, Fi.”

There was a bump as Fiona hit her head against the wall. “Crap.” She shuffled onto her side. “I don’t know what I’ll do if I can’t go up there.”

Glynna had to stop herself from saying ‘go up there anyway’, because no matter how likely that outcome was, she hardly wanted to put the idea in Fiona’s head prematurely.

“I don’t think she’s gonna say no,” Glynna reassured. “Schala said it was fine. Sounded like ma believed her.”

“Good,” with her face buried in the sheets, Fiona’s voice sounded muffled. Glynna felt along the bed until she found Fiona’s shoulder.

“Hey, stop it, it’s not that bad!” said Glynna, giving her a flick. “It’ll be good for you to have a break from making out all the time! And get off my bed, I’m trying to sleep.”

Fiona let out a groan and batted Glynna’s hand away weakly. She wriggled up the bed worm-like until she was facing her sister.

“You’re lucky,” she said. “It’s not like Dari’s life is that complicated. Ma freaking loves him, and she thinks Dove is so the best ever and whatever.”

Glynna had to pause to bite back any irritated remarks. The sulk in Fiona’s voice was getting to her, and the drowsiness was forcing her eyes closed.

“Shut up,” she mumbled, sleepily. “No one told you that you couldn’t go to Ezla, did they? Everyone told me I couldn’t go to that afterparty. Including you. So shut up- get out of my bed.” She pushed her pillow up on to Fiona’s face.

Far too weak to keep it while Fiona pulled the pillow off, it landed on the ground. Glynna only grunted and laid her head down, eyes closing. Fiona watched her for a second and then roll on to her back.

“Don’t be mad,” she said. “I just really wanna go.”

“I just really wanna go to sleep,” grumbled Glynna, pushing her face into her mattress.

“I know,” Fiona laughed slightly. “But - like, you saw how Janus reacted to Schala, right?” Without an immediate response, Fiona barrelled on. “It was weird. I dunno. It was just like - really uncomfortable.”

“What’re you talking about ...?” Glynna’s words were starting to lose form.

“He was -” Fiona paused. Glynna’s eyes were closed and she could hear a tiny snore. “...nevermind.”

fiona, schala, story, janus, glynna, fic

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