(no subject)

Jan 13, 2013 22:03


Glynna smiled as her sister wandered into the Divination classroom; a smile that faded when she noticed Fiona wasn’t exactly in the best of moods.

“It’s cold up here,” remarked Fiona, leaning on the wall beside Glynna.

“Yeah, that’s winter.”

“Hey, so you know how I told you about how Dari’s dad broke Myr’s head open?” said Fiona, conversationally.

Glynna looked up slowly, narrowing her eyes. “ ... Fiona, are you gonna start making me feel guilty about that again?”

“Why would I make you feel guilty about it? You didn’t do it, he did. Anyway, this isn’t about you,” Fiona waved her hand.

Glynna pouted at the slight.

“Janus told me that when that was happening, people were being hurt and tortured and all this horrible stuff. So, Myr fought them so that they would torture him instead of everybody else.”

Glynna stopped pouting.

“...what? That’s awful.”

“I know,” Fiona sighed, hunching over. “If this guy - this ghost-freak-arsehole comes back for Schala, Janus thinks Myr would jump in and get himself killed just to give her enough time to get away - and he would. Can you believe that? Just like that. And like - this guy is just - he’s ruining everything, he’s gonna destroy everything and it’s scaring everyone! It’s like- fuck off, why can’t he just go away?”

“... I know,” said Glynna - reeling at seeing how distraught her sister had become.

“God,” said Fiona, glancing out the window. “What is it with all our friends? Why are their lives so fucked?”

Glynna watched her silently.

“I just don’t know what to do - they talk about it like it’s this second nature thing, you know, and I’m still freaking out that Myr might jump in front of a bullet because he’s a General and Schala’s a Queen. And that - Janus’ not-dad might be dead and no one even knows what’s happened to him and we might never find out. And like - that’s his family. And I can’t do anything about it.”

Glynna might have started making fun of Fiona. The usual response anyone got from Fiona to anything Janus was pretending really obviously like she didn’t care that much about Janus. The topic itself was enough to stop her, but Fiona looked like she was about to cry.

“You don’t have to do anything about it,” soothed Glynna, getting up out of her chair.

“Yes, I do!” protested Fiona emphatically. “Is that no what friends do? What use is it if I just sit there after it all goes down and say, ‘I’m so sorry your entire family is dead Janus’ - what good is that gonna do him exactly?”

“Wow, um - I’m sure that’s the worst case scenario ...”

“Yeah! And he’s really scared of it. And he’s scared of Otis already being dead, and Myr getting killed and everyone else getting hurt. Can’t you imagine if that was us?” Fiona said, fiercely. “Everything would be fucked - it wouldn’t matter who was there to comfort us ...”

“Yes, it would,” Glynna cut in, gently. “Of course it would! It would absolutely matter.”

Fiona groaned and put her head on the wall. “It doesn’t feel like ...” she sighed. “I don’t know what to do or say to him, I can’t like - tell him it’s gonna be okay, cuz - it already isn’t. And it’s not like I can go ‘oh well if it all goes to shit you’ll still have me’, is it? And you know -” she looked back at Glynna. “Myr was all ‘you can’t come fight, you can stay here and suggest things’, and I was like - oh great. That means a lot. Even though I’m not exactly retarded enough to rock up there for a fight.”

“Thank god,” intoned Glynna. “And why are you upset he said that if you weren’t going to anyway?”

“... I don’t know,” muttered Fiona. “This is just like - the exact opposite of any adventure I’d ever asked for. This is - an adventure where people all get hurt and cry and everything sucks and I don’t get to do anything except stand around and do nothing.”

“I wouldn’t say you’re doing nothing - you’re handing out a lot of insults to the enemy,” offered Glynna.

Fiona rolled her eyes. “I don’t wanna just insult him. I want to make him leave everyone alone. And - you know, it’s frustrating when you just can’t do anything. These guys have such seriously fucked up lives.”

“I know, I know, Fiona,” said Glynna. “And you’ve just gotta - be there for him in other ways. I know you don’t - feel comfortable or whatever, but you’ve gotta just be there.”

Fiona considered that for a moment.

“Your advice sucks,” she grumbled, eventually.

Glynna rolled her eyes exaggeratedly. “Well, what do you want me to do, then? Go track this guy down and ...” she guestured widely, “blow him up?”

“Yes!” whined Fiona. “What, did you think I just wanted to come cry or something?”

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