Jan 24, 2010 18:33
Ok, my son's laptop went on the blink again, so he took it to get serviced. On Monday, he called me at work and asked if he could use my pc, my 6 year old pc. I don't do anything important on it but read and listen to music. I said ok. When I got home in the evening everything's ok with the pc. Well, he came by to wash clothes today while I went to visit my Mother at the hospital. I got home close to 4 and was looking at a little tv and doing my wash and I thought that now I can read a little bit before my clothes stopped. I turned on my pc and there it was PORN! plus an anti virus,worm/virus, whatever that won't go away! Every minute it says I'm infected and you know the spiel, download this and everything will be ok. I am not going to download crap! I don't have the 49.00 to 69.00 to do so, and I wouldn't anyway. I even tried downloading the malware scanner I have on my computer already, but it wouldn't let me. So, I downloaded spybot, it wouldn't let me run that either. I then turned off my computer and tried again, but to no avail. So, I'm asking all you computer savy authors out there, is my pc so infected that I have to take it to be fixed or is there something else free I can download that this virus would let go through. I can use my computer, but every minute, I'm clicking x's, clicking no's, etc. I don't know what to do, any answers? Thank you