Jan 06, 2006 01:12
So during West High's third period, a student announces the lunch menu and notices for the myriad clubs and organizations on campus over the P.A. system, which, incidently, chimes four painfully pleasant times as if to say "Yo, listen up, a bodyless voice will now begin to speak from the hole-filled plate on the wall."
In addition to upcoming meetings and culinary delights (Slab o' Mystery Meat, anyone?), the announcement includes a "Word of the Day." Today's word was: indict.
I had to stifle a snicker when I heard the word because, really, did the administration huddle and decide that the vocabulary words selected should be useful to people who in many cases are about to graduate high school with minimal educational skills? "Well, you'll probably hear someone use this word when talking about the money you stole to supplement your Burger King income!" There are definitely people in the choirs who literally cannot write a sentence. Who are 17 years old. Of course, some--maybe even many--administrators like to think that the only way for students to learn basic skills is to eliminate any creativity or art in the classroom. Wow I could really go on a rant now...but I won't. Must sleep!
Tomorrow's word of the day: alibi. =)