Whoo, stole this from
tunaeverynight. I also just left her edits on there because they apply to me too, so yeah. :D
Lol this has been like three weeks in the making. Jesus Christ.
01. compose a list of YOUR top ten sexiest famous men people. (if you do it, feel free to change it back to just men... or not. whatever you like!)
02. collect one several pictures of each person.
03. post them in your journal.
04. tag five people to do the same: i tag anyone who feels like doing it but hasn't been officially tagged!
Um, okay. So for one, he's British, and his accent is fucking sexy. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT'S EVEN MORE SEXY? His fucking American accent. HOW DOES HE DO IT? Idek. But he plays basically the most intense seventeen year old over, and I LOVE HIM. He also has a ridiculously hot girlfriend (Jessica Szohr, check yes) and he's hilarious AND he's the lead singer in a band. And, I mean, look at him. He's so effing hot, but he's not like, "omg look at me i'm a sex god" kind of hot. I mean, he IS a sex god, but you know what I'm saying. Or maybe you don't. If not, sucks for you.
OKAY, BESIDES ME, SIXTEEN YEAR OLDS DON'T COME AS FIERCE AS THIS BITCH. She is FABULOUS. For one, she's STUNNING. And secondly, she is amazingly talented. She writes all her own music, plays her own music, and is fucking fierce as hell when she does it.
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Suck it, haters. :)
UMM YEAH SO. All three of them are fucking HOT. PLUS they write ALL their music themselves, it's never ~co written by nick jonas~ or whatever. PLUS they play all their own instruements. PLUS they are absolutely hilarious. Like, really, all three of them are fucking crack ups. They seem like the kind of people you just want to be friends with, at least, that I would want to be friends with. They're just kind of weird and zany and sarcastic and I love them very, very muchly. I also love them because they make the most random ass YouTube videos like this:
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I lol at Kevin everytime when he says, "Oh, he's such a rebel. Look at that hat."
Oh, and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII couldn't give two fucks what you and your little eltist iTunes library have to say about my tastes. :)
THIS WOMAN COULD QUITE EASILY BE THE CUTEST PERSON ON THE PLANET. She is just. So. Presh. I mean, just look at those two pictures. She's just so effing adorable! I want to be that adorable some day. Plus, she's kind of a huge sex bomb; Jenna's SO DAYUM PRETTY. I could seriously just look at her for hours. GOR-GUS.
I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE HER. This bitch is, obviously, SO DAMN GORGEOUS, plus she's hilarious, plus she's a really fabulous actress... I love her. Like a lot. She's so much fun to Photoshop and shit because she doesn't take a bad picture. Like, she can be in mid-bite or something, and still looks like a rock star. And she's one of the few people who looks amazing as both a burnette and a blonde. LOVELOVELOVE ME SOME LEIGHTON.
UM, YEAH. SO I LOVE HIM? He is SO sexy for like, a million different reasons. I mean, just looking at him, he's so clearly a bucket of sex, but um. He's so much more than that. He's so unique and passionate and just. FABULOUS. HE TRULY IS. When you watch him sing, you know it's something he truly loves, and I just respect and love that about a person so much. Especially him. Also I think it's weird that he used to be a ginger. Js.
I can't actually find any videos of him singing Mad World because Fox swooped in and took them all down like the greedy biznatchs they are, so HERE'S THE STUDIO VERISION IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD IT. I would do him based on his voice.
LOOK AT THAT FACE OF GOR-GUS-NESS. FDJAHFJDLFHJSAKL LOOK AT IT!! HE IS SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL, I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE IT. And he used to be the weirdest looking kid, like in HSM1? Now he is a fucking sex bomb. MY GOD.
THIS IS THE MOMENT I FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM. Ladies' Choice from Hairspray. I have a poster of Link Larkin in my bedroom that's as tall as me. Haha. It's actually RIDICULOUSLY creepy and I'm afraid it's going to come alive in the night. Which, actually wouldn't be bad at all because... It's Zac. So yeah. It's kind of a backwards fear.
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THIS WOMAN IS PROOF THAT SMART. IS. SEXY. She is one of the funniest, sharpest, wittiest people (that's an awkward phrase, but I couldn't decided between people and person, so yeah.) I have ever had the pleasure to lovelovelove with all my heart. She is one of the few celebirities I have loved for a considerable amount of time (going on five years, yeah boy) and GODDAMN. This woman is beyond fabulous. I mean. WHO DO YOU KNOW WHO WAS THE HEAD WRITER OF SNL, THEN ROCKED A MILLION SKITS ON SNL, THEN WROTE AND STARRED IN HER OWN BLOCKBUSTER FILM, THEN CREATED, WROTE, AND STARRED IN HER OWN AWARD WINNING TV SHOW, YET STILL REMAINS RIDICULOUSY SEXY AT THE SAME TIME? HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN?
UH, HI. Could she be more stunning? Those are two of my all time favorite pictures of her, especially the first one. She is just BREATH TAKING. I love her so goddamn much. Lisa is just. fhdajkflhdajlfafjdal. I feel bad talking about people I love half as much longer, but I honestly can't really formulate something that would make sense and pay tribute to her awesome and sexiness. But I can say that if you know me, you know how much I love this woman, and so you don't need to hear how much I fucking WORSHIP her again.
Lmao, was this a surprise to anyone? I LOVE THIS MAN. MORE THAN BASICALLY ANYBODY. Like, seriously, he and Lisa are tied for Most Awesome Person Alive. I love John SO MUCH. Any boy I'm ever with will simply have to accept the fact that he will always be second best compared to John and that I would dump him in a hot second if I had even a slight chance with John. He is literally the perfect man for me. He's BEAUTIFUL, hiiiilarious, and smart, too. FHJKAFHAFJKHAFJLKAHFJDAL I LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE HIM AND WE WILL GET MARRIED. So all of you can suckkk it.
YouTube took down my all time favorite interview of his, but it was when he was on Conan promoting Leatherheads. I LOVE IT SFM. S.F.M.
Also Away We Go is going to kick ass and take names. Can't wait!