May 11, 2005 20:58
can we just talk about how KEENYA SHOULD HAVE BEEN KICKED OFF ANTM. first of all, she's chubs. i am skinnier than her. second of all, SHE IS SO ANNOYING. how can the judges not see that? death would be better than her winning this competition. HOW COULD THEY KICK OFF BRITTNEY? she was doing SO well. if they kick of niema, i'm just going to stop watching.
can we just talk about how diffrent janice looks from her youth?
i still love her but christ, lay off the plastic surgery sweety.
anyways. i cant post pictures unless they're from MY photobucket...which doesnt exist because i mooch pictures off other people. anyways
scottage_cheese will you take headshots for me?
how much will they cost me?
love you all