(no subject)

Apr 16, 2007 12:54

a little over 4 months and i'm a married woman! all i have to do is pray that no hurricanes come during the summer or the day of the wedding as a matter of fact (september 1st!). i am actually really worried a hurricane is going to come and hit while we are in europe. it's a 2 week trip so i KNOW a hurricane can come, hit, and be gone all in the time i am in europe. i am concerned about honey and lilly though. i thought honey had eaten some bad pet food, but i think she just got in the trash. when i took her in for her year shots and checkup the vet said she was fine and was a gorgeous puppy. like she had to tell me that! i already know. i can't believe i have had her almost 5 years.

my 21st birthday was freaking amazing. it was hilarious drinking with BOTH my mom and dad at the same table. (he came down to florida to see me!) me and my dad are getting along BETTER than we did before, but i still hold some animosity and part of me can't forgive a lot of what has happened to me.

me and jm have actually been going to mass every week. i am really proud of us, we all know how boring catholic mass is, but i know we want our children to be raised in our faith and it is important that we make it weekly, especially since we are preparing for marriage. i thought our priest was going to look down on us since we are so young and live together, but he was really down to earth and not judgemental at all, like some people i know.

i have to meet with an academic advisor at uwf since i changed my major from prelaw to legal studies with a minor in psychology. i don't know when i am going to find the time, but i guess i will try. i might try to find another lawyer to work for. wills, trusts, estates, and consumer law is getting pretty boring. i want to work with the state attorney's office, but i don't have experience in that area, but it would be good for me since i want to be a DA one day.

i think it is crazy how years ago things meant so much to me and now they are just a small memory in my highschool yearbook or old livejournal entries. it is strange how you feel like you can never move on from something or somoene, but you truly can. this isn't really directed at anyone in particular, just a general synopsis i was thinking about.

p.s.--- i guess my back injury was worse than i thought, i have an emergency mri today at 4, so pray for me! i hope i don't need anymore surgeries :(
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