Mar 13, 2006 15:47
I guess everyone thinks I'm gonna come on here and cry and say how much I don't want him to leave. That's bullshit. I'm done. I'm done with all of this. Yeah, I still love him but he doesn't love me back he told me he didn't love me, but I know he's lieing. He has to be, the look on his face when he said Haiden.. so why waste my time? I'm 16! There are a lot more fish in the sea. If he doesn't wanna try, I don't want him there. It's over, done with. Gone.
It just pisses me off that he blames it all on his Dad. Boo hoo? Get over yourself? I don't care if you Dad messed up, you're messing things up on your own. It's just gonna suck with Haiden gets older and I tell her that her Dad can't even try to make things better because he's scared that he'll fail or be a bad father or husband. It's so messed up, Jesus.
I'm living with Emma now. All the money I get from the video store is going into her, food, diapers, everything. I haven't boughten anything for myself in awhile. There is a house though it's tiny, and run down and old around Emma's house that's for sale. I'd have to ask for a loan from my father which would be great, considing how much he hates Jess. I don't hate him, I love him with my life but I can't make him stay anymore. and try to pay it off. I got my report card today, and I'm in the top 25 of my class. I don't know how I pulled that off.
No matter what happens, no matter where I go, who I talk to or who I stay with- she's my number one. I do everything for her. I love her more than I think anyone can. I want her to have a good life.