[There is a click as the PCD's sound feed starts. Silence then the sound of glass bottled being knocked together, but not breaking.]
Hee hee! Whoopsie....Hiccup Mussssn't break th' bottles now...... Giggles ...
[Slightly inane giggles filters to the PCD's microphone. Suddenly there is a slight whoosing noise followed by a suprisingly loud clack as the PCD Falls]
Uh-oh! Giggle Don't wanna break that th'nnng! It'ssssssss..........Imp'rtant. More giggles.
Ahhhh....Good old Hair of the Dog! Giggles followed by a loud sigh Mmmm.... 'm s'pposed to tell some one....if I 'member rightly.....
[PCD Feed is turned off by Clumsy Drunk Zelos fumbling for the Texting feature.] ((ooc: edited ^__^;))
Hy Daxxxxxxx! Foooounnnd someewe stufdffffffffffffff! Cooooooordinananates rrrrrr [x,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,y]!
((ooc: Lol I have no idea how A drunk person would text and still be readable so....yeah. *has never been drunk*))