Mar 04, 2005 21:24
Hola, I just got back from Applebee's! I went with the familia. The Padge was bein his usual unusual self. Hahaha. AnYwAyS, my poor Erika was calling me and calling me, and I wasn't home cause I was with Lauren til like 6 and then stayed home for like an hour and then went out to eat. O ya, and the chonger called. Jonathon stopped calling and posting, so I guess that ordeals over. My hermana and I are gunna go see Diary of a Mad Angry Black Woman at ten in Edinburg, so I guess no sleepover plans para Erika like we were supposed to. O well, tomorrow's good too I guess, o wait no, it's not, but ya get what I mean. Hahahaha. My birthday's cumming up!!!!!!!!!! 8 days !!! Cash plz. Hahaha, that's waht I tell every1 cause I'm so0o0o0o picky, ask Lauren. If you got invited, u better come! be there or be square!- or be gay and go to an interact rodary crawfish boil instead *cough, Pinky, cough, Ariana, cough, Abby, cough, Angela, cough* hahaha, jk, it's not their fault they're such over-achievers. I want like all the new shirts at Abercrombie, so I'm definitely hitting the mall the day of or after my b-day. And Lauren, I know ur readin this, and we needa do sumthin about him cause it gets really aggrivating when everyone BUT him asks me out. Grness . . . . o, hey, g2g, Coopie calls, talk at ya laterz, byee :)