Feb 07, 2005 19:55
Hey guys! Well, ya, yesurday I practiced softball for like a couple hours at Jackson with Mercedes and Vanessa. It was fun. Agh! Coach made me a pitcher!!! I suk so bad, well, ok, maybe not, but I just don't like it. Coach Stanley wasted all of 3rd period showing us how to bunt! Agh! Half the team can't even bat, bunting's the least of our problems. Today was an okay day, I ran an excessively crazy amount today, but it felt so liberating. But ya, then at like 5:30 I felt like vomiting all random. But I didn't, and Stnaley actually complimented me on my throw while I was all dying. Hahaha, the irony. Me and Cindy are drifting!!! no! It's that darn O.J.! Hahaha. I ahve to read this stupid book about a chinese farmer who's on the poverty line w/ a new slave wife and a prostitute and an old man, and ya . . . it's pretty interesting. Anyway, I g2g so I'll talk to ya'll later, bye.