i found this really great article on MSN about tipping the right people, so i wanted to post the link here so others could see it. and just to remind everyone that just because your waitress is not top notch, does NOT mean it is her fault!!!
http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/SavingandDebt/SaveMoney/HeresATip20PercentIsTheNew15Percent.aspx and some hightlights from the article: (take note to the one about what waitresses really make)
But what if you get lousy service? Post says he caps his tip at 15%, then talks to the manager or maitre d' about the problem. "Not tipping doesn't correct bad service," Post said.
Stiffing is also a bad idea because:
- The poor service you got may have been beyond the wait staff's control, such as problems in the kitchen or management's failure to have enough workers on the floor.
- The federal minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13 per hour, so wait staff depend on tips to earn a living wage.
- Wait staff often must divide their tips with other workers, such as bussers, bartenders and head waiters, so stiffing a bad waitress can end up hurting innocent parties.
and i thought this was very interesting, and VERY true!!!:
(And by the way, if you don't want to tip because you consistently get poor service at restaurants, consider whether the problem might be you. I know I used to give friendly, polite folks a heck of a lot better service than grumpy, condescending or demanding ones.)