Oct 07, 2004 23:04
My dad has hepC and liver disease. My mom has the same hereditary auto immune disease as all my aunts and grandmother and myself have and we're all gonna die from it one day probably but they're all gonna die first since their older and I get to see them suffer from it and look forward to the same. My fiance Spanky has some weird liver damage thing happening and he has to breathe on a machine at night or risk choking to death. My grandfather who just survived heart surgery now is suffering from water on the brain. Who the hell suffers from water on the brain! My grandmother's cancer came back and is spreading throughout her body. My other dad is about two seconds away from a major heart attack, gets short of breath just sitting in his easy chair, but still justifies eating jack in the box every day. What the hell is wrong with these people. Don't they think about anybody but themselves. I mean it's about me and my needs isn't it! I thought I made it clear years ago that no one dies until I say so or until I die, in that order. And so far, no one has my permission and I don't plan on kicking the bucket anytime soon. I really don't think I'm asking for anything unreasonable, so how the hell can they all be so selfish!