i feel like livejournal is just some big popularity contest where people brag about how many friends they've hung out with over the week. it's like this big place to write about all the "cool" stuff you've done, and people never really write about the truth of shit. if people really did have as many friends as they seem to in their posts, why do they have so much time document all of these adventures? shouldn't these people be out at all hours of the day and night hanging out? all people do is try to on livejournal is tailor their lives to look cookie-cutter and plastic-perfect like martha stewart. they'd never let loose and express some real raw emotion, because then people may think those who express real raw emotion are nuts. livejournal is just a crock of fabricated bullshit, a cracked eggshell, a broken heart, a way to "yell" at your "friends." it's quite pathetic.
look what happened to martha stewart in the end.