they are friends in someway, i know it
both their fucking mystery's they've created has something to do with 'folie a deux' [a madness shared by two]
Pete's Connection:
this clue he left ,us, the FOBR boardies on his blog.
apparently him and Travis McCoy share a madness...and obsession
Matthew's connection:
as everyone knows, he creates the chapters to the story and who deal about Adalia.
what im guessing is gonna happen by the direction hes going in is that Adalia is a figment of everyones imagination.
she's someone everyone wanted to believe is real and since they all wanted to believe she was real...she became real to them.
they became obsessed with the thought of her and it got way out of hand. it was a madness they all shared.
i could be wrong with the Adalia thing cause its not clear where the fuck/what the fuck/ or who the fuck she is.
but yeah this is getting to my head