Jun 24, 2006 22:37
eoverly dramatic
in need to spell chek
i don't fucking facaer
even if the world cares
idiont anyhmore
in case thi s is it
i just wante dto say thnak yo9u
to everyone who eve3 rloved me
who ever said anyhthign nice
whoever je]led0o me
helped me in some whyuh
i appreciate it
as edrunk and overcome as i am
i can't hlp but htin kthat afert that phone call
even love can'e save the world
i love him
he don'r care
i can't etell him anyways
he tells me no to be an alchy
though i kno wh e dirnks everyday
he trells me to puck u mchin up, that inkew this woas coming
bt je's going ot be done
two months apart
may as well bew two decades
dhe don't love me
i know this deep down
i thougt he did
but he doesn't i know this because he told me that id he loved me he woul dtell me
he;s never said a thing
oh well
i love you all somewhere in my heart
i guess i was put here to love everyone else
this may b e the end
this may not but either way
know tha ti give my thnaks to anyhthing
adn everythign y9ou put inot me
god bless