May 19, 2005 22:28
Well today was another useless day at school but thats ok...i left and went home went to the bank yada yada yada
But later on i did some bonding with fausto...we went to go pick up his tux for prom wich by the is sooooo excited
Then we met up with jamie and the three of us had our usual amazing bonding full of laughter.
Last but farrrr from least i went to my friends cheerleading practice and i got to tumble....And this happiness that i havent felt in like six years filled my sitting here with a smile from ear to ear...i felt that happiness that satified me at the end of each day when i used to do gymnastics...let see if i can set aside my old fracture in my back and my hips (cross my fingers i dont need hip surgery this summer) because i plan to go back to tumbling this entire summer :) :) :)